My Coding Progress
Keeping track of my journey learning to code, from October 2022 - Now. Hope this can provide a loose guide, or inspire other learners.
Timeline 14th October 2022 - Present
- 14th October: done Setting up a web page
- 17th October: MDN: Getting started with the web
- done installing basic software and set up local testing server, the basic one at least.
- Next is just a case of reading through html basics bit, onwards.
- 22nd October continuing with it
- 24th October – working on CSS Basics and Javascript basics 27th October did JS bit and publishing on the web.
- 29th October published via github Finished getting started with the web.
- 30th October, working on freeCodeCamp: Responsive web design
- 1 November – continuing with the cat photo app, got up to section 52, keep going with it here
- 14 November – continuing with above, done Cat Photo App keep going with Café menu, continue from step 5 here
- 20 November – continuing with Café menu got from step 5 to step 44 here
- 22 November – continuing with Café menu got from step 44 to step 64 here
- 3 December – finished café menu, now doing colored markers: done up to step 12 here
- 1 January – Doing colored markers, done up to step 88, keep going here: here
- 2nd January – finished colored markers, moving onto form building. Got up to step 53, keep going here:
- 8 January: Finished form example, working on survey form
- 17 January: done survey form .Got up to step 5 responsive web design.
- 18 January: finished Rothko painting, css flexbox and now started on typography nutrition label, done up to step 16.
- 19 january: continued from step 16 up to 59 of the nutrition label for learning typography.
- 20 January: Finished the nutrition label, moved to Learning Accessibility by building a quiz.
- 21st January: Working on accessibility quiz up to step 49.
- 22nd January: continue accessibility quiz from step 50 here: Finished accessibility quiz. Probably a few things will need to go over again from this, look through code tbh and look up on w3 if need help.
- 23rd January: finished tribute page, moved to css pseudo selectors
- 24th January: css pseudo selectors
- 25th January: Looking into Git and watching videos.
- 29th January: Finishing going through git and github bits. Watched these:
- 30th January: finished this: Getting started with GitHub Pages
- 31st January: Went through this Github Flow and started on first project and the installation thing for FAC incl bit on changing the terminal. At space 4: Started working on the first project.
- 1st February: Added favicon to site and image and text
- 5 February: Did some of skillshare and edited site a bit (see github commits for details), link opening in new tab.
- 6 February: Done more of skillshare and started figma draft of site (maybe do on penpot or something)
- 7 feb: Worked on site at space 4
- 8 feb: Worked more on site, resolving background colours and fonts. Made a resources folder on github (push with github desktop)
- 21 feb: working at space 4 on hobby page, almost finished.
- 22 feb: editing hobby page - adding text with ChatGPT
- 23 feb: refinind Obsidian setup with Github, sorting out notes. Reading up on HTML on W3 Schools site:
- 25 feb: Reading up on HTML formatting W3 Schools
- 26 feb: Learning about Javascript, reading Javascript Basics doc
- 3rd March: Reading more of Javascript Basics page and started on javascripting
- 7th March: Working on misc resources sorting out and Sync conflicts Obsidian to phone, continued learning javascript with javascripting up to step 6
- 8th March: Javascripting up to step 10 and GitIt app up to remote control
- 9th March: Finished working through GitIt app, learning how to push, pull, use different branches and work with collaborators.
- 10th March: Finished javascripting course, organised todoist according to course requirements and got up to step 54 balance sheet responsive web design.
- 11th March: finished balance sheet project in responsive web design, done picasso one up to step 54.
- 13th March: finished picasso and got up to step 32 on piano
- 14th March: finished piano, and did the technical documentation page on freecodecamp. Learnt how to do nav bar, clicking to id with href and basic media queries :)
- 31st March: Back to it, bit rusty after a break, need to get back to an hour a day. Working on City Skyline CSS, finished. up to step 8 on magazine.
- 1 April: Finished Freecodecamp magazine from step 8, and did the CSS Grid game here. Also working on product page, up to required values - next need to work on css to make it look better.
- 13 April: rusty after easter break, return to an hour a day to keep on top of knowledge. Working on finishing CSS of product page for 4 hours. Then spent an hour on finishing the next project: the ferris wheel. Spent half an hour getting up to step 13 of penguin css.
- 14 April: Finished CSS Penguin in 2.5 hours and edited snippets and gists in snippetslab and github gists.
- 15 April: Working on portfolio project for 1.5 hours
- 16 April: Testing and debugging site on mobile for 4 hours, including setting the youtube videos to show up at different sizes on mobile and various other debugging. Some issues with overflow-x. Submitted as final stage of the FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design course.
- 17 April: Reading through resources for HTML and CSS for 1.5 hours, then 2.5 hours working on javascript - making notes and going through freecodecamp Javascript course.
- 18 April: Continuing with FreeCodeCamp basic javascript
- 19 April: 2 hours on FreeCodeCamp basic javascript
- 20 April: 1 hour on basic javascript, writing in [[Javascript notes]]
- 22 April: North Coders Javascript basics course and writing notes.
- 23 April: Contrinuing north coders course and setting up vscodium to run javascript, 1.5 hours then another 1 hour later on northcoders.
- 1 May: Back to it after week illness, javascript course and notes 5hours
- 2 May: Javascript course and notes 3.5 hours
- 3 May: Javascript practice exercises and codewars
- 4 May: Javascript practice exercises, 1.5 hours
- 5 May: Javascript practice exercises, 3.25 hour
- 6 May: Javascript practice exercises, 3 hours
- 7 May: Finished Javascript practice exercises 1.5 hours
- 8 May: 1 hour on FAC javascript bits, learning about the DOM
- 9 May: 2.5 hour learning about the DOM and doing codepen delete buttons on to do list
- 12 May: 1 hour learning about DOM and editing date on site
- 13 May: 1 hour learning with FreeCodeCamp Javascript basics course and Codewars and reading up on various bits and pieces to do with Javascript
- 14 May: 1 hour on 15 Javascript challenges, then 0.5 hour on Codewars, then 2 hour on daily challenges website
- 16 May: 2 hours on Javascript challenges on codewars
- 17 May: 2 hours on Codewars
- 20 May: 1 hour on Codewars
- 21 May: 1.25 hours on daily challenges site, 0.25 hours on DOM manipulation notes and 0.5 hours on javascript freecodecamp, then 1 hour on Codewars. Need to focus on one thing in future but was tired this time too.
- 22 May: 1 hour on codewars
- 24 May: 0.5 hours on codewars and FAC lunch and learn
- 25 May: 1 hour on codewars, reached 6 kyu :)
- 26 May: 1.5 hour on codewars, 0.25 hours trying to make github repositories smaller. 3 hours planning website for application.
- 27 May: 0.5 hours on codewars, 3 hour on working on website for application.
- 28 May: 2.5 hours on codewars
- 29 May: 2 hours on codewars, got to 5 kyu :)
- 31 May: 2 hours on FreeCodeCamp Javascript
- 1 June: 0.25 hours codewars warmup, 2 hours on FreeCodeCamp Javascript
- 2 June: Going through new application requirements for FAC, then debugging part of FreeCodeCamp Javascript course for 1 hour
- 3 June: 1.5 hours on basic Data structures bit of FreeCodeCamp Javascript course
- 4 June: 1.5 hours on Basic algorithm scripting bit of FreeCodeCamp javascript course
- 5 June: 1 hour finishing Basic algorithm scripting bit of FreeCodeCamp javascript course, and 1.5 hours editing website.
- 6 June: 2.5 hours working on application website and 1.5 hours on Codewars pair programming with Chris and Finton at FAC meetup. Mostly working on decode the woofs.
- 7 June: 1.5 hour learning regex with FreeCodeCamp
- 11 June: 2 hour learning regex with FreeCodeCamp and Youtube
- 12 June: 1 hour finishing decoding the woofs on Codewars and sharing solution on FAC Discord. 0.5 hours on codewars challenges. 0.25 hours talking to people on FAC Discord.
- 13 June: 0.5 hours codewars, 1 hour FreeCodeCamp Javascript, 1 hour working on website.
- 15 June: 0.5 hours codewars, 0.75 hours on website
- 18 June: 3 hours website
- 19 June: 0.75 hours on website
- 20 June: 3.5 hours on website, then 1.5 hours on website at FAC meetup.
- 21 June: 2 hours on website
- 22 June: 2 hours on game
- 23 June: 3 hours on game
- 24 June: 2 hours on game
- 25 June: 1.5 hours on game
- 26 June: 1.5 hour on game
- 27 June: 1 hour on game + 1.5 hour on game and other projects at FAC meetup, talking about projects with Mohamed and others, show and tell. Really good to show progress of what i've done and get feedback from users, especially for the game.
- 29 June: 2 hours on website.
- 30 June: 1 hour on website.
- 3 July: 1 hour on website.
- 6 July: 0.5 hour on game, 1.5 hour on FAC countdown timer.
- 7July: 1.5 hours on game.
- 8 July: 2 hour on game.
- 9 July: 1 hour planning week of coding and things to do before deadline and after it, and tidying up github profile. 0.5 hours on website
- 10 July: 4.5 hours on game
- 11 July: 1.5 hours on game at FAC meetup
- 12 July: 2.5 hours on game
- 13 July: 2 hours on game
- 14 July: 2 hour on game and 2 hour on website
- 15 July: 4 hour on website game and portfolio site
- 16 July: 2 hour on editing readmes, submitting application
- 17 July: 1 hour learning on FreeCodeCamp - functional programming
- 3 August: Looking at coding bootcamps and making a plan in Todoist.
- 14 August: Learning Python, 1 hour
- 15 August: Looking into coding bootcamps, doing prerequisites.
- 17 August: 2 hours on learning Python
- 18 August: 1.5 hours on learning Python
- 19 August: 0.5 hours on Python Codewars
- 20 August: 1.5 hours learning about the web on OpenClassrooms and 1 hour on Python Codewars
- 21 August: 1.5 hour on Python Codewars
- 4 September: 4 hour on Javascript challenges
- 7 September: 5.5 hour on portfolio
- 8 September: 0.5 hours on rss web design inspiration, 6 hours on freecodecamp Javascript course
- 11 September: 4.25 hours on freecodecamp javascript and bootstrap courses
- 12 September: 1.5 hour on Javascript algorithms
- 9 October: 1 hour on Codewars, 2 hour editing personal portfolio with form, 3 hours HTML lectures
- 10 October: 3 hour working on portfolio animated text and other bits like footer, 3 hours lectures on HTML lists and tables 1 hour on homework assignment and typing up class notes
- 11 October: 1 hour working on LinkedIn, 0.5 hours typing up html table notes and learning some php. 3 hours HTML lessons on class, id and forms
- 12 October: 3 hour HTML lessons on embedding with iframes, audio, video and using tables, forms and datalists
- 13 October: 1 hour trying to use php instead of html, 0.5 hours on hobby page editing js for clock updating, 3 hours HTML lectures on buttons, other tags and Github. Helping other learners with how to use terminal and install Git.
- 16 October: 3 hours CSS lectures, 2.5 hour on freecodecamp javascript challenges
- 17 October: 3 hour CSS lectures on borders and backgrounds, 0.5 hours on homework assignments, 1.5 on freecodecamp javascript challenges
- 18 October: 3 hour CSS lectures on margin, padding, display, visibility, float, clear, 1 hour on CSS homework, 2.5 hour on freecodecamp javascript challenges
- 19 October: 3 hours CSS lectures on position, z-index, navigation bars, 3 hours looking at sites i like and researching through, 1.5 hour on class assignment, 0.75 hours on freecodecamp javascript challenges, completed freecodecamp javascript course.
- 20 October: 3 hours CSS lectures on media queries and selectors.
- 24 October: 3 hours catching up lectures from yesterday on CSS flexbox, 3 hours CSS lectures on CSS units and grid.
- 25 October: 1 hour lecture on CSS skills 3 hours lectures on CSS animation, transition and transform.
- 26 October: 4.5 hours building HTML CSS site on Cooper Black as Just IT Project
- 27 October: 3 hours on cooper black site
- 30 October: 0.5 hours on linkedin, 0.5 hours revising flexbox, 0.5 hours on css grid, 1.5 hours learning bootstrap, 1 hour learning jQuery, 1 hour learning sass
- 31 October: 1 hour learning sass, 5.5 hour learning React.
- 1 November: 1 hour learning about HTTP, servers and domains, 4 hours learning about git.
- 2 November: 1 hour interview session, 0.5 learning about git. 2.5 hours learning npm. 1 hour learning React.
- 6 November: 3 hours Javascript intro lessons
- 7 November: 1.5 hour on learning React. 3 hour Javascript intro lesson.
- 8 November: 3 hour Javascript intro lessons
- 9 November: 1 hour learning React, 3 hour Javascript intro lessons and 1 hour learning Javascript.
- 10 November: 0.5 hour vs code tricks course, 3 hour Javascript intro lessons.
- 13 November: 3 hour on Javascript: DOM
- 14 November: 3 hour on Javascript: DOM
- 15 November: 1 hour on white bikes plan idea, 3 hour on Javascript, 0.5 hour javascript exercises.
- 16 November: 1 hour learning React, 0.5 hour on apprenticeships, 2 hour learning React, 3 hour Javascript lessons
- 17 November: 1 hour learning React, 3 hour Javascript lessons, 1 hour learning React
- 18 November: 3.5 hour working on daily challenges site.
- 20 November: 3 hours on Javascript project - Brutalist map.
- 21 November: 4 hours on Javascript project - Brutalist map.
- 22 November: 3 hours on Javascript project - Brutalist map.
- 23 November: 6 hours on Javascript project - Brutalist map.
- 24 November: Install MySQL, 3.5 hours on Javascript project - Brutalist map.
- 27 November: 2 hours on LinkedIn, 3.5 hours on MySQL.
- 28 November: 3.5 hour on MySQL
- 29 November: 2 hour setting up eleventy with this repository to host a netlify site at, 3.5 hours learning MYSQL.
- 30 November: 1.5 hour learning React, 3.5 hours learning MYSQL.
- 1 December: 1 hour on NPM (backend course on FreeCodeCamp), 4.5 hours learning MYSQL, 1 hour on NPM (backend course on FreeCodeCamp).
- 4 December: 3.5 hours learning MySQL and 1 hour homework on MySQL project.
- 5 December: 1 hour homework on MYSQL project and 3 hour on brutalist map project.
- 6 December: 1 hour on learning SQL.
- 7 December: 5.5 hour on Brutalist map project.
- 8 December: 8 hour on Brutalist map project.
- 9 December: 0.5 hour linkedin, 1 hour learning Python, 2 hour brutalist map project, 3 hour learning Python.
- 10 December: 1 hour on cv and linkedin, 2.5 hour on brutalist map
- 11 December: 3 hour on brutalist map, 3.5 hours learning Python
- 12 December: 2 hours on brutalist map, 3.5 hours python
- 14 December: 6 hours on brutalist map
- 15 December: 4.5 hours on CV and job search prep.
- 28 December: 2 hours learning Tailwind CSS
- 29 December: 2.5 hours learning Tailwind CSS.
- 30 December: 4 hours learning Tailwind CSS.
- 4 January: 1.5 hour going through resources saved from reading Hacker News, 1.5 hours finished learning Tailwind. 2 hours rebuilding portfolio using Vite, React and Tailwind CSS.
- 8 January: 4.5 hour on Python FreeCodeCamp course
- 9 January: 1 hour careers lecture, 3 hour on Python FreeCodeCamp course, python ticket project and 1 hour learning Django
- 10 January: 0.5 hour organising learning. 4.5 hour learning Python with FreeCodeCamp, 1 hour setting up blog with Eleventy.
- 11 January: 3.5 hour learning Python with freeCodeCamp, 1 hour careers session, 1.5 hour on portfolio.
- 12 January: 0.5 hour meeting with developer of Mealia, 5 hours on building personal portfolio in React and Tailwind.
- 13 January: 6 hours on building personal portfolio.
- 15 January: 5.5 hours on personal portfolio.
- 16 January: 7 hours on personal portfolio.
- 17 January: 1 hour gathering pieces for portfolio. 3 hour working on portfolio code and design layout.
- 18 January: 3.5 hour working on CV, 1 hour technical interview prep, 1 hour on personal portfolio.
- 19 January: 0.5 hour linkedin, 1.5 hour learning Django, 1.5 hour promoting brutalist map on Reddit etc, 2.5 hour on portfolio.
- 22 January: 0.5 hour CV edit styling, 1 hour on preparing for job interviews, 1 hour on portfolio.
- 23 January: 5 hours on portfolio.
- 24 January: 2.5 hours on portfolio. 1 hour on messaging people about the tech industry. 0.5 hour on Brutalist Map.
- 25 January: 4 hours job applications and working on Linkedin.
- 26 January: 3 hours pitch preparation. 3.5 hours job board project.
- 29 January: 0.5 hours planning out week. 0.5 hours researching Wordpress (and React), 4.5 hours on job boards project, 2 hours on brutalist map.
- 30 January: 3 hours on brutalist map. 2 hours researching Wordpress and headless CMS platforms. 0.5 hours tying up personal projects.
- 31 January: 4.5 hours job applications, 2 hour portfolio pitch session, 0.5 hours job applications.
- 1 February: 7 hours applying to jobs and updating profile on job sites.
- 4 February: 2.5 hours interview prep, 1 hour learning about Typescript.
- 5 February: 3.5 hours job applications, 0.5 learning Typescript.
- 6 February: 1 hour applying to jobs, 0.5 hours learning Typescript, 4 hours learning NextJS and working on Brutalist project.
- 7 February: 4 hours learning how to fetch data from API in Javascript with FreecodeCamp (last section of new js course), 2.5 hours applying to jobs.
- 8 February: 1 hour applying to jobs, 0.5 hours learning about APIs
- 9 February: 0.5 hours applying to jobs. 0.5 hours linkedin session 5 hours pokemon search APIs project.
- 12 February: 1 hour cover letter session, 1.5 hour applying to recruitment agencies and edit sites on jobseeker site. 0.25 hours working on Linkedin. 1.5 hours applying to jobs, 1 hour brutalist map project.
- 13 February: 6 hours on brutalist map project, 2 hours applying to jobs.
- 14 February: 2.5 hours applying to jobs.
- 15 February: 2hours job interview, 1.5 hours applying to jobs, 2 hours brutalist map project.
- 16 February: 0.5 hours looking into MongoDB, 4 hour brutalist map.
- 19 February: 3 hour working on Brutalist map project, 3 hours applying to jobs.
- 20 February: 1 hour looking into frameworks, 1 hour applying to jobs, 4 hours Brutalist map project.
- 21 February: 0.5 hours planning next few days, 4.5 hour brutalist map, 1 hour applying to jobs.
- 24 February: 2 hour coding meetup Foyles, 2 hour working on brutalist map project, 4 hour working on CV and Cover Letter.
- 26 February: 6 hours re-writing CV and cover letter.
- 27 February: 0.5 hours editing cover letter, 7 hours working on portfolio.
- 28 February: 5 hours working on portfolio, adding blog, 2.5 hours applying to jobs.
- 29 February: 5 hours working on CV, portfolio and blog.
- 1 March: 2.5 hours writing blog post and editing portfolio RSS, editing blog post drafts and progress section of personal site, 2 hours job applications, 1 hour debugging wordpress site, 2 hour applying to jobs
- 4 March: 1 hour catching up developer news and working on portfolio edits, 1.5 applying for jobs, 1 hour open applications
- 5 March: 3 hours working on target companies and part time list, 2.5 hours job list and looking at tech coops, 1.5 hour open applications.
- 6 March: 1 hour open applications, 0.5 hours looking into django, drupal and web dev agencies in London, 4 hours brutalist map.
- 7 March: 2.5hours set up movie list website in Vue, 3.5 hours applying to jobs.
- 8 March: 2 hours on daily challenges at coding meetup.
- 11 March: 3 hour on MovieList project, 2 hours learning Node with CodeAcademy, 0.5 hours doing open applications.
- 12 March: 3.5 hour learning Node with CodeAcademy, 0.5 hours job interview prep, 1 hour applying to jobs.
- 13 March: 5 hour applying to jobs, 1 hour planning personal projects.
- 14 March: 2 hour applying to jobs, 2 hours editing portfolio, 2 hours at job fair, 1 hour prepping for job interview.
- 15 March: 4 hours prepping for job interview and looking at job applications, 1 hour applying to jobs, 1 hour job interview.
- 18 March: 1 hour applying to jobs, 0.5 hours looking into web technologies, 5.5 hours brutalist map, 0.5 hours applying to jobs
- 19 March: 0.5 hours applying to jobs, 3 hour brutalist map project.
- 20 March: 1 hour applying to jobs, 2 hour brutalist map project, 2 hours museum redesign project.
- 24 March: 5 hours applying to jobs.
- 25 March: 5 hours museum redesign project.
- 26 March: 4 hours museum redesign project.
- 27 March: 1.5 hour applying to jobs, 1 hour museum redesign project.
- 28 March: 4 hours museum redesign project.
- 31 March: 3 hours job applications.
- 8 April: 0.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 9 April: 0.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 10 April: 5 hours on portfolio.
- 13 April: 1.5 hour Vital Signs website.
- 14 April: 2.5 hour Vital Signs website.
- 15 April: 6.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 16 April: 1 hour call with mentor.
- 17 April: 1 hour Vital Signs website, 2 hours on portfolio.
- 18 April: 1.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 19 April: 2.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 22 April: 6 hours Portfolio.
- 23 April: 3.5 hours Vital Signs Website.
- 24 April: 5 hours Vital Signs website, 1 hour portfolio.
- 27 April: 2.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 28 April: 5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 29 April: 1 hour Vital Signs website.
- 30 April: 3 hour Vital Signs website.
- 1 May: 5 hour Vital Signs website.
- 2 May: 0.5 hour sorting emails. 4.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 3 May: 7.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 4 May: 4 hours vital signs website.
- 9 May: 0.5 hour networking call, 3 hours Vital Signs website.
- 13 May: 1 hour Vital Signs website.
- 14 May: 6 hours Vital Signs website.
- 15 May: 1 hour on CV and job applications, 1.5 hours Vital Signs website.
- 17 May: 0.5 hour Vital Signs, 1 hour coding test prep
- 18 May: 0.25 hour Vital Signs
- 19 May: 1 hour Vital Signs
- 20 May: 3 hour Vital Signs
- 22 May: 2 hour Vital Signs sticker, 1.5 hours writing blog post.
- 23 May: 1 hour coding test prep
- 24 May: 5.5 hour Right to City website, 1.75 hour coding test.
- 25 May: 2.5 hour Right to City website
- 27 May: 4 hour Right to City website
- 28 May: 5 hour Right to City website, 0.5 hour sticker design
- 29 May: 3 hour Right to City website
- 30 May: 6.5 hour Right to City website
- 1 June: 0.5 hour Right to City website
- 2 June: 2 hour Right to City website
- 3 June: 0.5 hour Museum Redesign, 0.5 hour Right to City website
- 4 June: 0.5 hour Right to City website
- 5 June: 0.5 hour Right to City website
- 6 June: 0.5 hour Right to City website
- 7 June: 3 hour Right to City website
- 8 June: 1 hour Right to City website
- 10 June: 0.5 hour Vital Signs, 1 hour catching up developer news and sorting files, 0.5 hour fare free london, 4.5 personal portfolio
- 11 June: 3 hour meeting developer, 3 hour Fare Free London site.
- 12 June: 1 hour Fare Free London
- 15 June: 1 hour Fare Free London, 1.5 hour st raph's fruit harvesters
- 16 June: 0.5 hour Fare Free London
- 17 June: 2.5 hour Fare Free London, 1 hour st raph's fruit harvesters
- 18 June: 0.5 hour applying to jobs, 1 hour st raph's fruit harvesters, 3.5 hour Fare Free London
- 19 June: 6 hour Fare Free London
- 20 June: 1.5 hour Fare Free London
- 21 June: 5 hour Fare Free London
- 29 June: 2 hour Fare Free London
- 1 July: 11 hour Tech Zero Hackathon
- 2 July: 11 hour Tech Zero Hackathon
- 4 July: 2 hour Take Back Water
- 6 July: 0.5 hour Fare Free London
- 7 July: 4 hour Fare Free London, 0.5 hour Linkedin.
- 16 July: 0.5 hour emails, 4.5 hour Fare Free London
- 17 July: 4 hour Take Back Water, 3 hour Fare Free London
- 18 July: 4.5 hour Take Back Water
- 20 July: 3.5 hour Take Back Water
- 22 July: 2.5 hour Take Back Wate
- 23 July: 3 hour Portfolio, 1 hour Fare Free London
- 24 July: 0.5 hour Portfolio
- 31 July: 0.5 hour Fare Free London
- 1 August: 1 hour editing London tech meetups site
- 2 August: 5.5 hour Portfolio
- 3 August: 4 hour Portfolio
- 4 August: 0.5 hour Portfolio, 1 hour setting up Umami self hosted.
- 5 August: Day at Octopus Energy
- 6 August: Day at Octopus Energy
- 8 August:
- 9 August: 1 hour Pluto
- 11 August: 1 hour learning Python
- 12 August: 1 hour Octopus Energy finances for Pluto, 3.5 hour learning FastHTML.
- 13 August: Day at octopus working on pluto
- 15 August: 2 hour Fare Free London
- 16 August: 6 hour GraphQL and Apollo
- 17 August: 3 hour GraphQL and Apollo, 4 hour Pluto
- 18 August: 6 Hour learning Storybook
- 25 August: 1 hour Personal Knowledge Wiki
- 26 August: 6 hour Personal Knowledge Wiki
- 27 August: 7 hour learning SASS and applying it to an update on Brutalist Map project.
- 28 August: 2.5 hour Pluto Power designing in Figma, 2.5 hour Brutalist Map with SASS.
- 29 August: 6.5 hour updating CV, portfolio, LinkedIn and Github. Mentoring call with more junior developer.
- 1 September: 3 hour working on CV, portfolio and brutalist map.
- 2 September: 2 hour working on CV and portfolio.
- 3 September: 5 hour CV and portfolio.
- 4 September: Day at Octopus working on Pluto.
- 5 September: 5 hour learning Jest and TDD.
- 11 September: 5 hour learning React and CSS.
- 12 September: 5 hour learning React and practice exercises.
- 15 September: 3 hour learning React.
- 16 September: 5.5 hour React practice challenges.
- 17 September: 5.5 hour Choose Love prep including task and learning Airtable and Postmark.
- 18 September: 1 hour prepping Choose Love, 0.5 hour fixing PRs, 3 hour doing TypeScript exercises on Codewars.
- 19 September: 3 hour TypeScript challenges, 3 hour Choose Love prep and interview.
- 20 September: 2 hour TypeScript challenges on Codewars
- 21 September: 2.5 hour interview prep
- 22 September: 1 hour fixing PRs and build errors, 3 hours on Brutalist Map
- 23 September: 4 hour job interview (incl prep time)
- 26 September: 8 hour Brutalist Map
- 30 September: 4 hour applying to jobs
- 2 October: 8 hour Pluto Power
- 8 October: 1 hour London tech meetups site 2 hour Fare Free London 1 hour Job interview
- 9 October: 3.5 hour Pluto Power
- 10 October: 1 hour rent strike website
- 11 October: 1 hour Job interview
- 14 October: 5 hour Brutalist Map, 1 hour Job interview and prep
- 15 October: 1 hour misc sorting loose ends like pull requests, 2 hour learning testing with Jest, 1 hour job interview and prep.
- 16 October: 3 hour rent strike website.
- 18 October: 0.5 hour resolving emails, whois domain info etc., 1.5 hour Coding test Autone, 0.5 landbanking coding test, 0.5 hour Job applications including sheet.
- 21 October: 1 hour Rent strike
- 22 October: 1.5 hour Brutalist Map, 0.5 hour job applications, 1 hour Placecal setting up
- 24 October: 4.5 hour Pluto website including learning Redux
- 1 November: 6 hour Pluto website
- 4 November: 7 hour Pluto Website
- 5 November: 1 hour Rent Strike Website
- 7 November: 1 hour Job interview Ayora
- 11 November: 6 hour Working on Pluto at Octopus
- 25 November: 4 hour apply to jobs
- 26 November: 8 hour Working on Pluto at Octopus
- 27 November: 2 hour applying to jobs
- 2 December: 2 hour applying to jobs
- 4 December: 4 hour applying to jobs and 1 hour learning Redux
- 5 December: 3 hour editing portfolio, 1 hour applying to jobs
- 6 December: 1.5 hour applying to jobs, 3.5 hour Pluto
- 9 December: 0.5 hour applying to jobs, 1 hour learning Redux, 3.5 hour FreeCodeCamp frontend projects
- 11 December: 1 hour applying to jobs, 4 hour working on portfolio.
- 17 December: 3 hour Octopus
- 6 January: 3 hour Zetkin
- 9 January: 2 hour Octopus, 2 hours applying to jobs
- 17 January: 2 hour Zetkin looking at issues and familiarising with codebase, 2 hour octopus
- 22 January: 0.5 hour job interview
- 23 January: 6 hours job applications including coding tests
- 24 January: 2 hour job applications
- 27 January: 2.5 hour Zetkin, working on issues and familiarising with project and codebase
- 29 January: 0.5 recruiter call
- 30 January: 0.5 hour interview, 5 hour coding task
- 1 February: 6 hours Zetkin
- 2 February: 6 hours Zetkin
- 3 February: 4 hours coding test and prep
- 6 February: 6 hours applications and 2 hour meetup
- 13 February: 1 hour Octopus meeting and prep
- 14 February: 5 hour Brutalist Map, 1 hour planning projects and goals over next weeks
- 15 February: 2 hour Brutalist Map
- 16 February: 0.5 hour reading up on Tailwind vs scoped CSS and BEM, 1 hour personal portfolio
- 17 February: 4.5 hour job interview prep
Codewars Profile
- I like using Codewars to improve my Javascript and Python. You can see my progress on my profile here
freeCodeCamp Profile
- I owe a lot of my learning to freeCodeCamp. After completing the responsive web design certification, I had the confidence to work on my own sites. More recently I completed the Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification. You can see my progress through the freeCodeCamp curriculum here.